Doppler Diaries

the push and pull of sounds and words


So many sirens – so many Valentine’s Days wrecked. 

I’ve been trying to record the sirens as way to deal with them. I captured some this morning that were good and have made a little piece of from them. Trying to turn them into some kind of soft dreamscape without losing the slight sense of alarm. Whether to augment or stick to pure recordings? Sometimes I wonder who the rules are for. In the long run isn’t it about whether it sounds any good?

Is it enough to make impressions of these spaces of mind, these places of displacement? But I’m also interested in writing the processes behind it. No, that’s not what I mean. The writing around it. The thinking that lives in and around the sound. There is thinking that lives around the sound that is not directly what the sound is about — not cause and effect — in the same way that the sound object is not about the cause. 

The writing is not always directly about the sounds but the space the sound opens up in thinking 

Not text about sound


And then I wander off on a dictionary jag in pursuit of a synonym for “word” — but there isn’t really one. A word is the smallest unit of meaning and means word. 

But in the process I came across two words I like very much

  • sound·a·ble, adjective
  • un·sound·a·ble, adjective

I need to think on these. 

Then I’m looking [again] at the etymology of “sound” and how it has multiple meanings. It exemplifies how English is pilfered collage from many other languages.

The «sound» that is listening comes from Old French “soner” which is, in turn, from Latin “sonāre” and “sonus”.

The «sound» the means sturdy comes from Old English/German “gesund” for health.

The «sound» that is a verb to measure depths from the Middle French “sonde”.

The «sound» that is body of water comes from Middle Low German “sunt”  for strait.

So let us sound the sound of the sound to see if it is sound.

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